Bible Studies

** Last updated Spring 2022

Below is a list of current bible studies and groups. Starting May 16th, classes will meet upstairs in the Narthex.

  1. Tuesday (6 PM)
    Adult Instruction - Training of the Twelve (w/ Pastor)
  2. Tuesday (7 PM)
    Luther's Catechism (w/ Pastor)
  3. Wednesday (8:30 AM)
    Luther's Catechism (w/ Pastor)
  4. Thursday (7 PM)
    Book of Romans (w/ Angelo Zarbo)
  5. Sunday (9 AM)
    Book of Judges - (w/ David Krumm)

Other Small Groups:

  • Sr. Youth meets Monday nights from 6:00 - 7:30 PM in the Annex building.
  • Ruth's Sisters woman's ministry meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. The sessions are at 10:00AM and 7:00 PM.